About me
Melissa Bird is Dënésułıné and a member of Tthebatthı Dënésułıné (Smith's Landing First Nation) within Treaty 8 territory. She was born and raised in amiskwaciy-wâskahikan (Beaver Hills/Edmonton), and currently resides within Treaty 6 territory. She is a proud mother of one son and two daughters, the oldest of her three sisters, and an auntie to her youngest "adventure-buddies". Also, she is grateful to be an auntie to many more of her relations within her husband's home community, Paul First Nation. Melissa has teaching and leadership experience within public and charter schools, and First Nation school communities. She is a graduate student working on her PhD focusing on Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing in relation to Indigenous teachers, mentorship, leadership, curriculum and pedagogy. Melissa is an Executive Staff Officer, Indigenous Education, within the Professional Development program area of the Alberta Teachers' Association.